Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Instructions for hand-in Friday 25th

Here is a summary of the practical guidelines regarding the hand-in of the text and pictures on friday 25th given so far, with a few clarifications.

  • The text and images should be sent to me (Malin), Åke and Daniel, see Daniels mail for the adresses.
  • Only put your text in the Word-document, comments and pictures should be sent separately.
  • File format for the text: Word (so if you use some other program to write, make sure you export the document as .doc before you send it). 
  • 4000-6000 words.
  • If you have some special formatting requirements, for example that some text should be in a separate infobox, please mark the text with a different color and write in your email what it means. 
  • Tag your content as Body, Title (title of the paper), Heading 1 (for first-level headings) and Heading 2 (for sub-headings).
  • Should be provided under the heading "Further reading" at the end of the text (if you refer directly to someone in the text, the source should of course be mentioned). 
  • "Further reading"-list according to Harward-system (google it). Some examples:
    • Books: Author, Initials., Year. Title of book. Edition. (only include this if not the first edition) Place of publication (this must be a town or city, not a country): Publisher. 
    • Websites: Authorship or Source, Year. Title of web document or web page. [type of medium] (date of update if available) Available at: include web site address/URL (Uniform Resource Locator) [Accessed date]. 
    • Sources avaliable on the Internet: Author or corporate author, Year. Title of document. [type of medium] Place: Producer/Publisher. Available at: include web site address/URL(Uniform Resource Locator).[Accessed date]. 
  • The list should be organized alphabetically.
  • About three images per group. 
  • Make sure the images are sharp and that the resolution is at least 300 ppi. 
  • Preferably Tiff-format and AdobeRGB color space. 
  • Deadline for handing in the pictures is the same as for the text, the 25th of november.
 Best of luck with your projects!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Order of appearance for mid-crits

So I've put it all together, and we'll have the following schedule for tomorrow.
It's supposed to be 10 min for presentation and 10 min for discussion afterwards, so try to stick to your 10 minutes for the presentations.

We'll try this order out. If we feel that it works and nothing comes up, we'll probably keep it for the final presentation.

09.00-09.15 Introduction
09.15-10.15 1, 2, 3
10.15-10.30 Break
10.30-11.30 4, 5, 6
11.30-12.30 Lunch
12.30-13.30 7, 8, 9
13.30-13.45 Break
13.45-14.25 10, 11
14.25-14.30 Wrap-up

1 Personalized Radio
2 Radio After Tomorrow
3 Bringing the internet to radio
4 Public service of the future
5 School radio/podcast
6 Listening habits of the young generation
7 The audio pool
8 Radio in social media
9 Always Present Radio
10 Pay for Performance
11 Economic models of radio