Thursday, September 8, 2011

Merge of video & radio

After listening to Kerstin Brunnberg I started to think about how her view of radio would fit in the media landscape 10-20 years from now. And I realized that it probably won't. The spread of video on demand (VOD) is increasing as well as other other streamings for sound and video. Will there even be anything other than digital radio? And why would anyone settle for sound only, when you can have a video as well. And if radio can be experienced on a video stream, is it still then radio, or just video streaming?


  1. I think it is important to think of the *contexts* where people listen to radio and the number 1 location is in the car, while driving to work (or elsewhere). Or while walking the dog. Or walking in the city or shopping for food in the supermarket. Or while preparing food for the kids. All of these examples are places and occasions where your ears are available, put not your eyes (without adverse effects on the activity in question).

  2. Well, one thing Kerstin said was that radio will survive because we need a reliable source as opposed to the web. That just isn't true! I think you can find very reliable sources on the web,you just have to know how to evaluate them through language/experience/community and so on. On the web you can find whatever you want, whenever you want it and you get insight right away about the source - not the case in radio always.

    But I still think that an interesting point was made about the sustainability of the purpose of radio which Kerstin brought up as a response the audience, and that is that there is a point of several people listening to the same thing at the same time. It brings us together, it broadens our views - and that can't be a bad thing for a society.

  3. I agree with you Maryam, as long as a web-source reach out to and can be questioned by a large amount of people from different locations (which is the case of many web-sources), it will be reliable.

    About the sustainability, I find the same "problem" with TV as it moves from pre-decided programs to on demand shows. So that's an interesting thing to focus on in the project; how radio will function as an old school mass-medium also in the future..

  4. Maryam, I think what you say supports Kerstin's point. Sure, there is reliable info on the web, as well as info that is not reliable - and in order to find out which is which you need to evaluate (each source) based on language/experience/community. If you want reliable info right here and right now, the alternative to many people is to turn on your trusted radio station.
